Wild Patch offers a wide range of services, the foremost of which is the Initial Consultancy. Our aim is to provide up-to-date advice regarding all forms of ecology and habitat management to ensure our customers are given scientifically-supported information and advice across the board.
Grassland & MeadowsWild flower meadows, Ride clearance, Predators perches, Scrub species introduction...
Woodland & HedgerowsConservation hedge-laying, Tree surgery, Ring barking, Veteranisation, Log piles, Dead hedges, Ride clearance, Glade clearance, Bat-Roost features...
Wetland & WaterwaysPonds, Integrated wetlands/marshes, Land drain isolation, "Beaver" dams, Birding hides.
I specialise in Conservation Hedgelaying; A form of hedgerow management that improves the connective attributes of the hedgerow as well as the diversity of microhabitats. This in turn improves the biodiversity on invertebrates, birds and small mammals, encouraging endangered species such as dormice and a wide number of butterfly species.
In 2022/23 I carried out my undergraduate dissertation on the efficacy of conservation hedgelaying in order to support a greater diversity of invertebrate species at the UWNR. Only 4 years after the initial laying process, both the number of species and number of individual invertebrate had almost doubled. This speaks volumes for the need to manage our hedgerows properly as these invertebrates are crucial in supporting the animals that predate on them and their greater ecosystem.
If you are interested in reading my dissertation for yourself, please do get in touch.
In 2022/23 I carried out my undergraduate dissertation on the efficacy of conservation hedgelaying in order to support a greater diversity of invertebrate species at the UWNR. Only 4 years after the initial laying process, both the number of species and number of individual invertebrate had almost doubled. This speaks volumes for the need to manage our hedgerows properly as these invertebrates are crucial in supporting the animals that predate on them and their greater ecosystem.
If you are interested in reading my dissertation for yourself, please do get in touch.